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openstack_init Autoconfigure NetBSD VM on OpenStack
openxenmanager Open source XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform interface
osname Print canonical name of operating system
ovmf Sample UEFI firmware for virtual machines
p5-BackupPC-XS Perl utility functions for sysutils/backuppc
p5-collectd Statistics collection daemon - perl plugin
p5-Config-Augeas Edit configuration files through Augeas C library
p5-Config-Simple Simple configuration file class
p5-Daemon-Generic Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
p5-File-chmod Perl API-Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
p5-File-Copy-Recursive Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced Recursive copying of files and directories
p5-File-DirCompare (V) Perl module to compare two directories using callbacks
p5-File-DirSync (V) Perl5 module to synchronize two directories rapidly
p5-File-Inplace Perl module for in-place editing of files
p5-File-Remove Remove files and directories
p5-Filesys-Df Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-DfPortable Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-Statvfs Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Gnome2-VFS Perl bindings for the Gnome virtual file system
p5-GTop Perl interface to libgtop
p5-IO-BufferedSelect Perl buffered version of select interface that operates on lines
p5-IO-KQueue Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
p5-Lchown Perl5 module interface to the lchown() system call
p5-Linux-Inotify2 Scalable directory/file change notification
p5-Mac-AppleScript Perl 5 module to execute applescript commands on OS X
p5-Mac-AppleScript-Glue Perl 5 module allowing AppleScript to be written in Perl
p5-Monitoring-Plugin Family of perl modules for monitoring plugins
p5-Parse-Syslog Perl5 module for parsing Unix syslog files
p5-Quota Perl interface to filesystem quotas
p5-Server-Starter Perl 5 superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
p5-SSH-Batch Cluster operations based on parallel SSH, set and interval arithmetic
p5-Sys-CPU Perl 5 module for getting CPU information
p5-Sys-CpuLoad Module to retrieve system load averages
p5-Sys-Filesystem Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long Try to get the full hostname in Perl
p5-Sys-SigAction Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
p5-Sys-Syslog Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
p5-Sys-Utmp Object(ish) Interface to UTMP files
p5-Unburden-Home-Dir Automatically unburden HOME directory from caches etc
p5-Unix-ConfigFile Simple interfaces to various Unix configuration files
p5-Unix-Process Perl extension to get pid info from ps(1)
p5-Unix-Processors Interface to processor (CPU) information
p5-Unix-Statgrab Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
p5-Unix-Syslog Perl5 module interface to the UNIX system logger
p5-UPS-Nut Network UPS Tools perl binding
pciutils PCI bus manipulation utility similar to NetBSD pcictl(8)
pcmanfm Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
pcmanfm-qt LXQt pcmanfm Qt frontend
pcvt-utils Useful leftovers from pcvt: playvt and two font editors
pdumpfs Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
pear-File_Find (V) Class that facilitates the search of filesystems
pear-Log PHP Log framework provides an abstracted logging system
pfetch Pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh
pflogsumm Produce summaries from Postfix syslog data
pfstat Utility to render graphical statistics for PF
pftop Utility for real-time display of statistics for PF
php-apcu (V) APCu - APC User Cache
php-apcu_bc (V) APCu Backwards Compatibility Module
php-apcu4 (V) APCu - APC User Cache
pidof Linux pidof(8) command
pluged USB plug/unplug monitoring daemon
polysh Aggregate several remote shells into one
pscpug Graph a given process's CPU usage
psftools Tools for manipulating fixed-width, [typically] console fonts
psmisc Miscellaneous procfs tools: killall, pidof, and pstree
pstree Display processes in a tree
puppet Configuration management framework written in Ruby
pv Monitor the progress of data through a pipeline
pwgen Generate pronounceable passwords
py-appnope Disable App Nap on macOS
py-augeas Python bindings for Augeas
py-borgbackup Deduplicating backup program with compression and encryption
py-collectd Statistics collection daemon - python plugin
py-cpuinfo Get CPU info with pure Python
py-crontab Python Crontab API
py-dbus Python bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
py-diffoscope In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
py-euca2ools Command line tools to interact with Amazon Web Services
py-filetype Infer binary file types checking the magic numbers signature
py-Glances Cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
py-google-compute-engine Packages for Google Compute Engine images
py-kazoo Higher level Zookeeper client
py-magic File type identification using libmagic
py-notify Python package providing tool for observer programming pattern
py-notify-python Python bindings for libnotify
py-pathtools File system general utilities
py-pefile Python module to read and work with PE files
py-psutil Cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
py-ptyprocess Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
py-pyinotify Python inotify library
py-salt-pepper CLI front-end to a running salt-api system
py-Send2Trash Send file to trash
py-setconf Small utility to change settings in configuration textfiles
py-setproctitle Python library to allow customization of the process title
py-sh Python subprocess replacement
py-structlog Painless structural logging
py-supervisor System for controlling process state under UNIX
py-syslog-ng Highly portable log management solution
py-watchdog Filesystem events monitoring